School holidays are officially here, which means it is summer – although our weather doesn’t often play along. When you’re selling your home, you need to bring the essence of the season into the presentation of your property. Summer is a time of fun and happiness, a time of parties in the garden with friends and family, light-filled rooms, and relaxing in the sun. To maximise your home’s selling potential this summer, take tips from the experts and create inviting scenes and vignettes to make your Wisbech buyers swoon this summer.
Create a hot welcome
Vignettes are used by home stagers, where they create curated scenes to highlight your home’s best features to draw buyers in, and the best results are always achieved when you reflect the season in your design. Don’t wait for buyers to step inside your property to create a hot welcome: you want them to be wowed at first sight by what your house has to offer.

Your home’s kerb appeal should create a story that depicts the lifestyle potential buyers crave. If it is a quiet spot, is there space for a small bench where you could place a throw and a book? Maybe you could put together the perfect morning coffee spot or spruce up your exterior with bright and colourful seasonal flowers, transforming it to the best looking home on the street.
A sunny start
Now you have grabbed a potential buyer’s attention, you need to keep them excited as they enter your home. Your entrance may be a lovely sized hallway, or lead straight into a room, or look onto your staircase. Regardless of the size and shape, you need to make sure that as your buyers enter your home they have a sunny start that makes a statement. It needs to be bright and airy and clutter free; think about the décor and don’t think twice about it having a freshen-up. Less is more when it comes to accessorising, a vase of freshly cut flowers and a soft-scented candle could be enough.

Zesty kitchen
When you think of summer, you picture bright colours; therefore, this is the ideal season, so add some of these colours subtly into your home – the kitchen is the ideal place. Oranges, limes and lemons can add some zest to your kitchen when place in a large fruit bowl or vase. A summer vignette for the kitchen could be some strawberries and scones placed on a cake stand, or is there space for a little scene in your dining area? Open a few windows to freshen up your home before showing your buyers around for their viewing.
Garden haven
One of the most important ‘rooms’ in your house to focus on is your garden and it’s the perfect setting to play with vignette staging. If you have the space, you can add a couple of small scenes, such as a place to entertain: don’t clutter, and try to keep the colours you use to a minimum. If your garden is small, a table and chairs, a bottle of wine in an ice bucket and a couple of glasses will be perfect. We would always recommend that you add a place for someone to relax, whether that’s a sun lounger or a chair with some large cushions and a carefully placed magazine.

That warm feeling
The home staging experts know how important it is for a home to project a lifestyle as it helps to generate that warm feeling that all estate agents love to see in potential buyers. Use the summer to add some shine to your home and get your Wisbech home sold. For more ideas to attract potential buyers thus summer, contact our team on 01945 588111